Anger, like stress and anxiety, is a sign: it lets you know that you are (or you perceive you are) in an inescapable situation. You feel trapped! And anger --and often aggression-- comes out automatically, in your words, voice tone, or gestures. Anger and aggression are not acceptable in most social situations, so they are often suppressed, often for many years. However, whether suppressed or not, whether visible or hidden, anger doesn't go anywhere. It just pops up in other various forms and circumstances. When anger and aggression are too intense, occur too often or in 'innapropriate' circumstances, your well being is impaired at all levels: health, work, family and social relationships, sleeping and eating - and the list can go on. Synergis' licensed professionals will work with you toward: 1.Understanding your anger and 2.Integrating anger in your life, rather than denying it or express it inappropriately. We compare this process to the transformation of the anger vicious circle into a functional, meaningful spiral.
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